E-UMMAH SERVICES is a multi-vendor service provider plat form where seekers can find providers and providers can offer their services.
E-UMMAH SERVICES geo-tags all service providers based on their business address and their operating radius so that seekers can find service providers within their areas.
1. Go to Sign in
2. Select Sign Up
3. Update your profile
Once customers have registered and created a profile you may go to the Request for Quotation tab on the top menu bar and post your job requirements. alternatively, you may search for a service provider near you.
Sign up as a Service Provider
Just a few easy steps and you on your way to success.
Step 1
Go to pricing and select a plan
Create your listing and post
Create Ads to increase your viewing
Customers will contact you
Step 2
Claim your work so that you can be verified
Upgrade your plan to qualify to claim your work
As a verified service provider you will gain more customers
Some tips for filling in the listing form
Tick Does Your Business have a tagline
Use words that best describe your business
Chose one or more categories from the list
You may change the times to suite your business
You can add additional days by press the + sign below.
You can remove days by pressing the red remove button to the far right. of each day.
The FAQ section can be used for FAQ or you can use it to describe features or packages